20 -30 Devices showing as no name

I now have the Route 10 up and running on my connection and it has been great for the last 4-5 days - but I am noticing i have a number of devices in the list which don’t exsist, is this a known bug?

I think that it may be linked to device detection to identify if it is a Macbook, a IoT device from tp-link, an Xbox or PlayStation and since they didn’t find out the device, they set it a “no name”.

It may be confirmed by Alta’s team to know how the identification process worked.

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Any device that doesn’t have a hostname or has an invalid hostname will appear as No Name.

Another cause can be the randomized MAC feature that comes on all Android and iOS devices, part of that feature is not sharing the hostname on the network for anonymity purposes. If I remember hearing correctly, at least one of the big phone OSes switched the SOP to have that disabled by default or only enabled if joining an unencrypted WiFi network.

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The device list is a pain point on the route10 imo. Hopefully it will get prioritized since it affects almost everyone who uses it.


Does this hide the devices, at least?

Even without a hostname, you can still parse an OUI database to fulfill the name with something rather than nothing.

I’d rather an OUI manufacturer than “No Name.”


Please consider this Alta. I know it’s a small thing, but it is really annoying that even the cheap routers we are trying to get clients to leave behind show manufacturer info, even for Apple devices.


Unless the protocols have changed in the last couple of months, the OUI is randomized as well (in the context of the randomizing of MAC addresses).

Edit: For the context of randomized MAC addresses (which by no means am I saying is the bulk of the “No Name” clients, every environment will differ, of course), perhaps a feature request of “Block unknown OUIs” is in order? e.g. if the system can’t find a manufacturer to accompany the OUI, the client is not permitted on the network?

Of course, there’s always the OUI resolver under the Make column:

If an OUI can’t be resolved:

Yes, we need more context to know if this is an actual issue.

As Matt explained, if the OUI is registered, it will show up with the manufacturer in the Make column. If there is a DHCP hostname or LLDP chassis name, then the UI will show that. If you know you have a DHCP hostname or LLDP chassis name, and are still seeing No name, then we’d love an invite so we can take a look.

I understand there’s not much anyone can do with randomized mac’s. That’s the way of the land.

Would it be too much to ask for flexibility at the UI level to shift, filter, or collapse columns with an option to save the format per account.

This too would apply to the Network Map. At least an option to filter the mapped devices by manufacturer.