Switch took a dive today

@Alta-Matt_v2 looking at active stats…
AP6 Pro peak was ~10W, currently 6.6W
Wyze camera is ~3W
For the devices I had that’s about 26W (10+10+3+3). being generous and doubling that amount should still be less than the budget. Feels unlikely I exceeded the budget.
However, assume I did, are you suggesting the switch locks up when we exceed power budget?

I am passing logs to a syslog server, is it safe to say the valuable details would get passed over there or will that not be of value?

Side note had 3 Unifi APs (UAP-Pro, UAP-LR, U6Lite), and 3 wyze cameras over PoE connected to a GS308EP (62W budget).

Could we get a feature to map power consumption over time?
